Hearing Vision & Scoliosis Screenings
Each fall your school nurse will perform hearing and vision screenings. At the elementary school level your child will be screened for hearing and vision in grades K(if not completed on their School Entrance Health Form), 3, and all new transfer students if one hasn't been done in the past year. If we see a concern with your child’s screening, you will be notified by letter or telephone. You will need to follow up with your child’s doctor and report back to the school nurse with the doctor’s recommendation. If you are unable to afford exams, glasses, or hearing aids, we do have some financial assistance programs that might be able to assist. Also, if you would like to opt-out from screenings please let your child’s nurse know within the first month of school starting.
Speech Therapists screen all students in grades PK, Kindergarten, and new transfer students for voice, speech, and language. If you do not want your child screened by our Speech Therapist, you must notify the school.